Push-Up Progressions

Push-ups are an advanced exercise. Sometimes we don’t have the ab strength, shoulder mobility, shoulder strength, or arm strength to perform a push-up. These 5 progressions will give your body tools to eventually perform a standard push-up. We start with core stability, add shoulder strength, then work through different ranges of motion to get the most out of this FANTASTIC exercise!

Shoulder Mobility & Strength

Hold your core tight while you press up through the shoulder blades, then release.

Core Stability

Move from a quadruped position to a plank, while keeping your core tight and hips stable.

Core & Shoulder Strength

Inchworm your way from a plank to a bear pose.

Shoulders, Arms & Core Strength

Shift your weight to your knees so you can perform a push up like a woodpecker.

Incorrect Modified Push-Up

Do not allow your hips to sag below the midline. There should be a straight line from top of head to the knees throughout the entire motion.

Correct Modified Push-Up

Starting from the floor, lift your navel and place your palms directly under your shoulders. Push away from the floor while keeping your core tight and your body/spine in a straight position.

Ramp Up Your Fitness

Our Getting Started program is “home base” … use it if have been dormant for awhile, use it if you are just starting! This is our initial two-week program. Workouts are 15 to 25 minutes in length, 4x per week. In week one, we wake-up your muscles with a big focus on form and using your core. Week two, we elevate the workouts to condition your total body.