With so many cooking oil options on the grocery store shelves, it can be hard to know what to use and when.
Food intolerances affect approximately 20% of the population. But how do you know if you need to worry about your digestion and should get tested?
Your hormones change through the four phases of your menstrual cycle. Consider adding or reducing certain foods to support your body and feel your best.
Your hydration affects your health inside and out. Do you know how much water do you need? What are signs you’re dehydrated?
Belly bloating is an uncomfortable and a very visible reminder that something in your body just isn’t working. Learn what may (and may not) be causing your bloat and what to do about it.
Metabolism slows starting your 30s. Consider these tools that help: weight training, eating good fats, up you plant-based nutrition, and fasting.
Are your sleep habits sabotaging your health and fitness goals? Sleep deprivation can lead to junk food cravings and poor mood.
Your pre-workout and post-workout snacks or meals can have a huge impact on your training results and your energy levels for the rest of the day.
Many lifestyle things can prevent or limit our exposure to germs, but I’d be remiss to not address the important role our diet has on immunity.
Protein is not stored in the body so it’s important to consume adequate amounts on a regular basis. On a less molecular level, protein in meals helps you feel more satisfied and feel full longer.
If the bad bacteria take over or our good bacteria can’t keep up, then we start to see physical symptoms. Good news! There are things you can do each day to keep your gut in check and you feeling your best.
Learn how the way you eat during the day impacts your sleep at night, and how you sleep at night impacts your food choices during the day.
let’s take a look at GMOs (aka bioengineered foods): where you’ll find them, if they pose a risk, and what to consider when you’re eating away from home. Eating on the run is a part of life. We have tips to help you do it in a healthier way!
Eating a variety of whole foods during breast cancer treatment is the best approach. Here are specific foods for anyone dealing with cancer to eat.
Some of the 2020 updates are fairly simple. The serving size and calories will be in a larger font. This is because these two pieces of information are the most important.
How can we pull the greatest benefits from diets like ketogenic, paleo and Whole30, but still enjoy eating? Our registered dietitian breaks down each diet and what we might (and might not) take from each.
It is possible to take it too far leading to overtraining your body or not fueling—this leads to negative physical and physiologic impacts.
Overwhelming and expensive! We get it. Here are three of the most nutritious whole food supplements that you should consider adding as well as some to avoid.
Following an elimination diet means omitting a food or a group of foods for 2 – 4 weeks. The focus is not on simply eliminating “unhealthy” foods but identifying what food or food component may be causing you issues.
Omega-3 is an important good fat that help the body function, help keep the brain healthy, and can fight inflammation. There are many good sources of Omega-3s.
Nutrition can be a gigantic thing to try to tackle. There are so. many. options! What works for one may not work for another and what worked for you two years ago, may not work for you now.
A runner’s diet is extremely important, whether you are running 3 or 13 miles. What should you eat before and after a run? Add extra calories or no?
Instead shift your mindset and focus to enjoying whole foods, increasing the variety of foods in your diet, preparing more of your own foods, and get in touch with your body and how healthy you feel.
Raising a healthy eater is tough. All moms want to raise healthy eaters, and it’s proven the habits established in childhood follow us into adulthood. So where should a busy mom start?
When I think carbohydrates, I default to bread, rice, pizza, pasta, etc. I don’t always think yogurt, grapes, green beans, strawberries, etc. So let’s get straight to the point on this one — not all carbs are bad!
There are the choices you make day-in and day-out that can slowly deteriorate your health and cause chronic inflammation. Studies have been able to narrow down the inflammation culprits.
The good news about the recent intermittent fasting trend is that it’s not just a fad promoted by companies or influencers. There is real science behind it.
There are many ways we can help the body fight to reduce inflammation and here we are going to zoom in on hydration. Why start with beverages?
While some choose to eat more plants because they are avoiding meat, others will increase their produce intake because of the benefits of plants. Here we are focusing on those benefits.
One of the main reasons people hesitate to eat plant-based is because (at first) it can take more time and energy to prepare. We feel ya!
…that’s why, when you try the diet your friend did to shed all those pounds, you are left staring at the scale wondering where you went wrong.
It is believed that the ideal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is 4:1 — the average American’s ratio is 16:1 or 20:1. Here’s how to get more of the healthy fats.
Not a term you hear a lot, but certainly what we all want for ourselves and for our kids. This is the basis of a good relationship with food by being positive, comfortable, and flexible with eating.
As parents we want happy, healthy eaters. We want it for them today and for their future. Unfortunately, even with the best of intentions, parents many times feel they must control their child’s nutrition and weight to achieve health.
Learn the what, how much, and when around proper nutrition for your youth athlete. The biggest factor is whether or not your child has hit puberty, along with the duration and intensity of their activities.
There are so many nutrients needed for the brain to function. Add a few servings of the following foods to make sure you’re getting all the brain boosting nutrients.
Check out our diet tips for prevention of stretch marks. There are foods that will help your skin’s elasticity, along overall weight management.
I don’t mean to go off on a rant here … but I am. No sugar, no dairy, no fat, NO FUN!