Risk and Release Agreement


By entering into the Moms Into Fitness subscription, you agree to this agreement in its entirety. For all subscription terms, read here.

You need permission from your health care physician before beginning any health or exercise program!

If you are pregnant, you must only use workouts labeled Pregnancy/Prenatal or terms related to pregnancy only. Pregnancy workouts are meant for singleton pregnancies.

If you are recovering from breast cancer, only workouts labeled breast cancer are recommended.

If you are a new mom, you must have had your postpartum appointment before beginning any of our Exercise Programs.  The Moms Into Fitness Postnatal programs are recommended.

Due to the intensity of our advanced programs/workouts we do not recommend using them if you are a beginner or recently had a baby.

If you are injured or prone to injury do not use these workouts.

By using Moms Into Fitness, Inc. you assume all responsibility for, and all risk of damage or injury that may occur  during activities set forth by Moms Into Fitness, Inc., while participating in exercises and activities, using equipment, using nutrition and following Moms Into Fitness instructions and advice during these exercises and activities. In consideration of participating in Moms Into Fitness, you release and discharge Moms Into Fitness, Inc., its and their owners, employees and agents, from all claims, demands, rights or causes of action, present or future, whether known, anticipated or unanticipated, and resulting from or arising out of, engaging in, or incident to, the participant’s nutrition, activities and exercises in Moms Into Fitness.

Moms Into Fitness, as well as all other exercises and activities, medical, nutritional, dietetic, therapeutic, or other decisions, dosages, treatments or drug regimens should be made in consultation with a health care practitioner. AS WITH ALL HEALTH MATTERS, DO NOT BEGIN MOMS INTO FITNESS OR ANY OTHER EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING YOUR PHYSICIAN, CLINICIAN OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.

Moms Into Fitness is for Personal Use only.